#!/bin/sh # 1st Step - Ask user for no. of cluster nodes echo "How many nodes would you like your cluster to have?" read NODECOUNT # 2nd Step - Ask user for node details & store in tmp files for ((i=0; i < $NODECOUNT; i++)) do echo "Please enter the IP address of the ${i}th node: " read IPADDR_$i echo "${IPADDR_$i}" > /tmp/node${i}_ip.txt echo "Please enter the username for SSH access to the ${i}th node (defaults to 'root'):" read USERNAME_$i if [ -z $USERNAME ] then USERNAME="root"; fi echo "${USERNAME}" > /tmp/node${i}_user.txt echo "Please enter the password for SSH access to the ${i}th node (defaults to 'root'):" read PASSWORD_$i if [ -z $PASSWORD ] then PASSWORD="root"; fi echo "${PASSWORD}" > /tmp/node${i}_pass.txt done # 3rd Step - Confirm node details with user & allow them to edit if necessary echo "The following IP addresses were entered by the user:" for ((i=0; i < $NODECOUNT; i++)) do echo "${IPADDR_$i}" done read -p "Please confirm these are correct, or type 'edit' to make changes: " USERCONFIRMATION if [ "$USERCONFIRMATION" == "edit" ] then for ((i=0; i < $NODECOUNT; i++)) do echo "Please enter the IP address of the ${i}th node: " read IPADDR_$i echo "${IPADDR_$i}" > /tmp/node${i}_ip.txt echo "Please enter the username for SSH access to the ${i}th node (defaults to 'root'):" read USERNAME_$i if [ -z $USERNAME ] then USERNAME="root"; fi echo "${USERNAME}" > /tmp/node${i}_user.txt echo "Please enter the password for SSH access to the ${i}th node (defaults to 'root'):" read PASSWORD_$ i if [ -z $PASSWORD ] then PASSWORD="root"; fi echo "${PASSWORD}" > /tmp/node${i}_pass.txt done fi # 4th Step - Ask user to define master node & store selection in tmp files echo "Please enter the number of the node you would like to define as your control plane (master):" read MASTERNODE_SELECTION echo "${MASTERNODE_SELECTION}" > /tmp/master.txt # 5th Step - Add K8S repo & relevant keys to each node, install K8S & restart services for ((i=0; i < $NODECOUNT; i++)) do echo "Adding Kubernetes repo to the system sources list on ${IPADDR_$i}..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$i@${IPADDR_$i} 'sudo sh -c "echo deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list"' echo "Adding GPG key to the system on ${IPADDR_$i}..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$i@${IPADDR_$i} 'sudo curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -' echo "Updating package list on ${IPADDR_$i}..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$i@${IPADDR_$i} 'sudo sh -c "apt update"' echo "Upgrading packages on ${IPADDR_$i}..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$i@${IPADDR_$i} 'sudo sh -c "apt upgrade"' done # 6th Step - Install K8S on master node and ask for configuration options from user echo "Installing Kubernetes on the master node..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION@${IPADDR_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION} 'sudo sh -c "apt install kubeadm; apt-get install kubelet; apt-get install kubernetes-cni"' echo "Please enter your preferred port number for the control plane (master node) (defaults to 6443): " read PORT_SELECTION if [ -z $PORT_SELECTION ] then PORT_SELECTION="6443"; fi echo "Please enter your preferred IP address or FQDN for the control plane (master node) (defaults to ''): " read IPADDRESS_SELECTION if [ -z $IPADDRESS_SELECTION ] then IPADDRESS_SELECTION=""; fi echo "Configuring Kubernetes on the master node, using port ${PORT_SELECTION} and listening IP/domain ${IPADDRESS_SELECTION}..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION@${IPADDR_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION} 'sudo sh -c "kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=$IPADDRESS_SELECTION --apiserver-bind-port=$PORT_SELECTION"' echo "Please enter the following options to configure the Kubernetes control plane (master node)..." echo "1. Pod Network CIDR: " read NETWORKCIDR_SELECTION echo "${NETWORKCIDR_SELECTION}" > /tmp/network.txt echo "2. Service Subnet: " read SERVICESUBNET_SELECTION echo "${SERVICESUBNET_SELECTION}" > /tmp/servicesubnet.txt echo "3. Kubernetes DNS Domain: " read K8SDNS_SELECTION echo "${K8SDNS_SELECTION}" > /tmp/kube-dns.txt echo "Please enter your preferred Kubernetes version (defaults to '1.20.1'): " read K8SVERSION_SELECTION if [ -z $K8SVERSION_SELECTION ] then K8SVERSION_SELECTION="1.20.1"; fi echo "Please enter your preferred pod Network provider (defaults to 'calico'): " read NETWORKPROVIDER_SELECTION if [ -z $NETWORKPROVIDER_SELECT ION_SELECTION ] then NETWORKPROVIDER_SELECTION="calico"; fi echo "Configuring Kubernetes on the master node with pod Network CIDR: ${NETWORKCIDR_SELECTION}, service subnet: ${SERVICESUBNET_SELECTION}, K8S DNS domain: ${K8SDNS_SELECTION}, K8S version: ${K8SVERSION_SELECTION}, and pod network provider: ${NETWORKPROVIDER_SELECTION}..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION@${IPADDR_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION} 'sudo sh -c "kubectl apply --kubelet-extra-args '--node-ip=$IPADDRESS_SELECTION' -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/manifests/kube-flannel.yaml; kubeadm init phase addon all; kubectl apply --kubelet-extra-args '--node-ip=$IPADDRESS_SELECTION' -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/manifests/kube-flannel.yaml; kubectl create deployment nginx-deployment --image=nginx; kubectl expose deployments nginx-deployment --port 80 --type LoadBalancer"' echo "Restarting Kubernetes services on the master node..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION@${IPADDR_$MASTERNODE_SELECTION} 'sudo sh -c "systemctl restart kubelet.service"' echo "Restarting Kubernetes services on all nodes..." for ((i=0; i < $NODECOUNT; i++)) do echo "Restarting Kubernetes services on the ${IPADDR_$i} node..." ssh -n $USERNAME_$i@${IPADDR_$i} 'sudo sh -c "systemctl restart kubelet.service"' done